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Reply to "Lag in Current Pricing on My Snipes page"

The dictionary defines current as "occurring in or existing at the present time," or "most recent." Clearly, the price displayed by AuctionSniper does not meet this definition.

"If AuctionSniper has the capability to update prices upon request, why not modify the program to continually provide updated prices?"
Excellent question! Good old “processing time”. Suppose an active AS user has 100 snipes waiting to be placed. If “My Snipes” had to check the current price on each and everyone EACH time the page was brought up, there’d be some fairly upset active AS users complaining about how long the page takes to load. That’s why the “Update Prices” button - the user can decide when to take the hit.

Lacking that ability, a more appropriate label may be "Recent or Recently" although I still do not consider a 4-hour lag to be recent.
Sounds like you’ve already talked yourself out of using “Recent”. Any other suggestions? (I’m fairly convinced this text thing falls under the “lesser of evils” category).

Feel free to disagree.
You get what you pay for.

The best place to watch the auctions is My eBay”, OR become friends with “Update Prices”.