...here they are.
Right here
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quote:Oh the memories...cat's eyes
quote:Originally posted by Dave:
I remember the "cat eyes", they were rather pretty marbles. I had some, although I never really played "marbles". I remember Mother buying me a bag of marbles and saying: "Go ahead and play with them, but I think that you will lose most of them." Most of them were still around years later when I went in the Navy. Fooled her!![]()
quote:Originally posted by Bartelby:
Sadly, I have been searching ebay high and low for some marbles now. I would love some for when the boys are a bit older.
quote:Confucius say...She who sit on judge's knee have honourable discharge.
I’m quoting this entire post so that years from now we can all have a good chuckle, even if BJ edits or deletes it.quote:Originally posted by bjones9942:
Well, strangely, the 'rickychalmers' site is being used to host the avatar for 'I'd rather be shopping'. Seems rather puzzling that an older woman in Nevada who's husband is a baker would be using poor 'Ricky's' site in the UK for this purpose. Perhpas 'Ricky' is her son?? Hmmm... doesn't seem to jive with 'Rickys' bio.
Yet another purplexing conundrum on the AS forums.
Mother Mary Says, 'HONESTLY! you're just ruint!'
quote:Originally posted by softballqueen:
I'd like to know who this is and why he is in my cookies list from this forum? Does AS know this person is doing it? I was cleaning my cookies and there it was!![]()
"rickychalmers.brinkster.net" and from the subdirectory "/pictures/".
Pardon? Don't suppose anyone will elaborate?quote:Originally posted by NICHT MEHR (09:09 AM PST):
Just like you did the cookies.![]()
Doubtful that the above post will be deleted, or edited, but might as well make a copy of it just incase.quote:Originally posted by NICHT MEHR:
I am not here to stay, just stating some things that need to be said in defense of some. You always seem to enjoy old posts of others...
Someone just sent me this and I find what is going on is not a new thing at all.
And yes, the cookies was deleted. I would say, old married man. the jig is up. I feel so sorry for your family. May they live in better times.
And I do not want or need any kind of welcome from you now or ever. You sir, IMO, are the bottom of the barrel.
Darn. I guess Ricky didn't think of that. Should I save it in case you delete it?quote:Originally posted by bjones9942:
The 'webcam' says that it, 'normally points right at me' (image moved to my server, just in case it disappears from the original site):
quote:Doubtful that the above post will be deleted, or edited, but might as well make a copy of it just incase.
Still have no clue about “the cookies were eaten”?
Fortune Teller - still closed on Sunday's.
quote:Originally posted by region2:
Mrs M gone? Or has she just become Germanified? Rick the target of abuse? New ID's full of strange symbols? PMing going on behind people's backs? How KRAP is this forum becoming?
Yes. Welcome to the madness!quote:Have I landed in the lunatic asylum?
As if anyone CARES what is written in this forum other than maybe a dozen or so participants....quote:Not to add fuel to the conspiracy theories, but I hope Ricky, or anyone that knows Ricky, doesn’t Google his name and come across this thread.
LOL! At the moment, YES!!quote:Is this why it is called a sniping forum?
Would that happen to be a two-footed elephant? If so, will I need wheel chair access?quote:Hey rick wanna swop your drunken dog for this very nice Helephant that i have to spare??