...he made me!
I've never liked snipers, I have always felt that it was wasn't fair. But I have begun to loose numerous important items to one old letch from my hometown. I complained to him, but it did no good - the Bozo was just smug about it and told me that I might as well just just lie back and get used to it. "Snipping is a fact of eBay, get used to it."
So when it came to a piece of family memorbilia that I found, I decided that I could continue to take the high road, or I could beat the dirty Bastard at his game.
I signed up AuctionSniper, did some homework, placed the AuctionSniper on "armed" and pulled the trigger a planned three seconds after his snipe bid was placed.
I have just received an email from him and he is furious that I out snipped him AND I AM LOVING IT!
The Bozo got a dose of his own medicine . Yeah, I paid more then I would have normally if he wasn't active in the auction, BUT IT IS WORTH IT TO ROB HIM OF THIS WIN!
And here is beautiful thing --- Since I've have done my homework on him (his lead times, etc.) I have also figured out his max bid amount. So now I am out to screw him by forcing his max bid on items.
Like I said, I didn't want to stoop to his level, but its time to teach the old fart a very expensive lesson in the cost of bad behavior...
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