I knew better then to ask about the Civil War.
Yezzz, you are on target, puppy! 

Civil war...oh yes, I have one of those often! 

Buffalo Bob sounds familiar. Was he the guy with the puppet? I'm drawing a blank on Sky King. I've heard of Bonanza.
Yea, he was the puppet guy.

40 year old man: Pa, can I go to town?
Pa: NO! Not till you do your chores!
40 year old man: Pa, can I go to town?
Pa: NO! Not till you do your chores!

Howdy doody show. I was not real little at that time. I will tell you that we had the first TV in our city! I have really been blessed to be born and grow up in great times! Now, I have to go for a while cuz I am being taken out to dinner. Can't miss a date like that!
See you in a couple of hours! 

Enjoy Bye-Bye

Mrs. M
Is that you and Rick at the Christmas party last year?
Is that you and Rick at the Christmas party last year?

Lol,with a little age reversal! 

I guess I won't worry about this:

Lol, didn't notice you had been.
Have you ever looked at the sign close and watched it?

Ok, here you go...

Darndest thing..I was just looking around and guess who I found? Meet RICK!!!!!!! 

The nose is a little small.
I know Rick, but it does match mine, don't you think? 

Rick has the chair, but he don't rock.
Night all.
Night all.

Match your "what"?
Nose, Rick, Nose!

Nite, puppy!

True Puppy. But he agrees and he provides musical entertainment.
Yes, see, I knew it was you!

Your nose looks like that?
You knew what was me?
Only if your nose looks like that!

Nite, Puppy.
What nose? I'm confused.
He can't rock & play at the same time!
He can't rock & play at the same time!

What can't he rock?
Of course. You don't remember showing me your pix one night? Hmmm maybe you were smoking the yard again! 

Gads, Rick! You said the nose is too big..I said it was like the nose of me..in the rocking chair and ...gads, Rick!! 

Rick, the chair! He can't rock the chair and play at the same time!
Rick, the chair! He can't rock the chair and play at the same time!
Rick, I hope you didn't smoke the whole darned yard while I was out!

Nite, sweet dreams. See you in the Am! 

Oh dear, I really have Rick riveted to that pix! LOL!

Hey, you gonna make your sig? Do it the easy way puppy does, Rick.

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