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Howdy doody show. I was not real little at that time. I will tell you that we had the first TV in our city! I have really been blessed to be born and grow up in great times! Now, I have to go for a while cuz I am being taken out to dinner. Can't miss a date like that! Smile See you in a couple of hours! Smile

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Smile I see Rick and Mrs. M have been at it again. Smile

Rick: Mrs. M saw a post where I was helping sunny with a sig. I said...

The profile page doesn't have all the helpful buttons at the bottom, so I advised to enter a sig as a reply. Copy it, but don't post. Then go to the signature box and just do a paste. That way you don't have to worry about space or no space, which way the slash goes, marker spelling, ect...

Jabber, I like the sig. Have you thought of this? Find a picture of nothing and put that between your two snippers.

[This message was edited by puppy_raiser on December 12, 2003 at 05:48 PM.]
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There are lots of places like that in the western USA! Took Mom on a trip to Wyoming from PA and we went through the Badlands. She was taking pictures, and when we came upon a lone telephone pole -- she took a picture of it!?! "Why did you take a picture of THAT?!", I asked. She replied, "It's the first sign of civilization I've seen for MILES!!" Wink

Jabbergah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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