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Love the pics. I hope everyone enjoyed their New Year celebrations...I sure did. So how did everyone celebrate?????

The East Coast of Oz started the New Year with a sizzling style. Woke up to 46 degree C day, turned on the news which stated was the hottest NYD in the state's there were 40 bushfires around the state. Thank God the southerly arrived approx 11.00pm last night to cool things off.
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Originally posted by I'd rather be shopping:
Happy NEW YEAR!!!

Hope everyone has a great new snip year.

Not likely! Eek
I forgot that it was National Vasectomy Year!

Hope you all have a great New Year, and keep all your bits intact, where applicable.

We just had our turkey dinner yesterday (were out at Xmas) and next Sunday, off for a pub lunch to the highest pub in England, 80 miles away.
Don’t forget, Mike, snip can also mean “a saucy or impertinent girl”, which would bring an entirely new meaning to things.

Say Aussie, with this being the start of a New Year, any chance of seeing wedding pictures in my near future?

I’d tell you what I did for New Years, but I’m afraid it would put people to sleep – it did me.

P.S. I found this in an etymology link:
Snippy is 1727 with the meaning "parsimonious;" the sense of "fault-finding, sharp" is first recorded 1848.
Hi all.....think it is a great idea to stay at home for New Year & have friends over, will try that next, too tiring being a butterfly Wink

Where is the highest pub situated Mike? Interested because Aussie is a pub kind of gal & looking to visit my aunt within next 12 months who lives at Harpenden (wherever that is?). BTW do they have pool tables in pubs over there?

Rick, sorry you did not enjoy festivities. Saw Time Square on TV it looked like it was going off!! Anyway will attempt to do wedding pics on weekend....don't know what you are expecting though Confused

BTW: Shop, have fixed up 2005 for you Wink
Originally posted by aussie_girl:

Where is the highest pub situated, Mike?

It is 1732ft up on the moors near the county boundaries of North Yorks, Cumbria and Durham - 3 miles from nearest building and nowhere any town.
Here it is!

Interested because Aussie is a pub kind of gal & looking to visit my aunt within next 12 months who lives at Harpenden (wherever that is?).

Hertfordshire, just North of London suburbs. About 250 miles from Tan Hill!

BTW do they have pool tables in pubs over there?

Many do - some also have TV with endless ball programme things, dartboards, jukeboxes and all sorts of things for the Sun readers* that inhibit conversation.
Me, I like to sit down with a good drink, good friends and good conversation. Smile
More and more pubs are not allowing smoking, especially those who serve food. So, we can go home without smelling like a bonfire!

*Sun readers - Brit saying. The Sun is the archetypal dumbed down tabloid newspaper - you only need the IQ of a houseplant to read it. Cool
Thanks Mike for the info....what a fabulous place to go for lunch (Aussie is envious), and in the middle of nowhere would be very peaceful. Do you stay there overnight or live close by? Don't know if my aunt would drive that far for me...but I can always try Wink

I dislike the sound of traffic etc while I am dining. Can never understand why people choose to dine outdoors where car fumes permeate their three course banquet.

I also like communicating with friends while have a few drinks....but am partial to a game of pool occasionally which I find can also be social & fun.

We don't have any of those newspapers here...not that I have noticed anyway. So I could be in for a bit of a light read eh?
Originally posted by aussie_girl:
Thanks Mike for the info....what a fabulous place to go for lunch (Aussie is envious), and in the middle of nowhere would be very peaceful. Do you stay there overnight or live close by? Don't know if my aunt would drive that far for me...but I can always try Wink

Hi Aussie
We live 74 miles from Tan Hill, so we just go there and back in the day. About 80 of us (2CVs and Dyanes) meet in a pub in Leeds, then have a lovely convoy up through the Yorkshire Dales to Tan Hill, stopping for a glass of mulled wine in Hawes (Wensleydale - where the cheese is made) and over Buttertubs pass Here and past Keld and thence up to Tan Hill.
You would really have to stay overnight if you were coming from Harpenden.

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