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Wow - my name in lights!!

Thirty minutes to PC snipe - and counting....

The microwave is telling me the vegetables are cooked, so it's supper time....sadly, since I took some ibuprofen for the pain in my back I can't really have any wine with the roast chicken...can I?!

I'll pop back in after I've eaten and tell you all how I've got on. In the meantime, here's me with Blaidd (nearest the camera, now 13), and Vargen (fantastic lead dog, tragically taken from us by cancer at only 9 years old.) I look really energetic in this photo - don't let it fool you - I'm quite lazy really!

That graphic was just the best yet, Mrs M!

I expect that the SuperSqueaky cleaning service is really good at removing unwanted chicken, cheese, eggs, gravy, fish, etc etc, but useless at getting rid of anything else. They also leave a lot of dog hair in their wake..... Big Grin

I am going to be able to entertain my friends with that URL for ages, Rick!

Anyway, on to the real stuff before I go to bed. AS strikes again - I got the high bid on the PC I was after, and at a VERY reasonable price. The seller has 100% feedback (and plenty of it) and has already contacted me to confirm the end of the auction. I have a rather better feeling about this one.

Well, I've got to get up early for work in the morning, and as we speak I've notice the real SuperSqueaky has his front feet on the kitchen counter and looking for edible items to "clean up", so I had better go and remove him! He's the only one of the nine who has worked out how to jump the baby-gate into the kitchen, and the others just look on in envy as he surfs the floor and benches for food. Roll Eyes

Good Night all!

Originally posted by SuperSqueaky:
AS strikes again - I got the high bid on the PC I was after, and at a VERY reasonable price. The seller has 100% feedback (and plenty of it) and has already contacted me to confirm the end of the auction. I have a rather better feeling about this one.

Sometimes problems work out to be blessings. Wink Good-night SS.
Originally posted by rsmiller40:
Rick, when do you want that figure?

Now, or when ever you have some time - thanks.

Originally posted by rsmiller40:
Did you see my message to drop the 2? Don't ask me what I was thinking..or not thinking!

It seems that I remember something about that, but I can't remember what I remember about it. Big Grin

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