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Hi Ladies,

Just started my 2nd cup. Last night was way too much fun. The 3 of you had me going in several directions. It wore me out, so I'm a little late this morning.

I figured Sara would do something. Like I said, I try to leave those posts alone. In the past, all I've accomplished is to fuel the argument. I think the best thing is to keep on posting somewhere else and tell AS about it (using the icon). If new people come into the forum and see one or two people with recent registration dates and low post numbers complaining and getting all pissie, and they see us having a good time, I think they'll come to the correct assumption.

In the past, competitive sniping services have gotten onto this forum and made false complaints against AS. I don't know if that was the case last night, and I'm not making any accusations.

Sara can bring up the data base, so she can, and does, set the record straight.

I think it would be very frustrating to throw a tantrum and to be ignored. And, when they see posting going on else where, they must realize that no one gives a hoot.

I don't think someone uses that kind of language unless they want to get attention (although, I always like to read what they leave because sometimes it's funny).

The next time this happens (yes, it will surely happen again), it probably won't have quite the shock value as last night's did. Anyway, I was having too much fun to let it bug me.
Good morning Mrs. M,

I'm going to leave for a bit. When I get back I'll post my understanding of how the "foul filters" work and why I think it's impossible to prevent what happened last night (this is going to sound terrible, and please forgive me, but I have to admit to using that word once or twice Eek Eek).
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Hello Mrs M Big Grin

Hello Billie Big Grin

Hello Rick Razz

ohhhhhhhhhh my little widgets come up for auction tonite ...I have been waiting for 9 days for these to end....there's 2 or 3 I want from the same seller. Cool

I have already admitted to having a foul mouth and I wont apologise for using that word Smile I wouldnt ever use it here though. Or on any forum for that matters. Its really used for those moments when ya hit ya shin or stub ya toe Cool
Glad ya are have fun Mrs M!!!! Your Lexie is too cute (must be the name Razz )

I am also glad you used the resize nearly went blind looking at that first one!!

Bugger...I was gonna reply to something else in the other threads but I forgot!!

Oh that's right - the time thing.

What I meant was......what time is it compared to the AS clock where each of you live.....I know that the AS clock is 7hours ahead - 1 day behind for me. I thought that if I knew whether Rick was 8 hours, Billie was 6 hours and Mrs M was 7 hours I would know what time it is where you are. Big Grin Told ya I was nosey Razz
Hi Lexie Smile

AS time is Pacific time here in the states.

Mrs M is 3 hours ahead of that, I am 2 hours ahead of that and Rick, I'm not sure what time zone you're in!! Big Grin

So you mentioned you are 7 hours ahead of AS time, which is 1 day behind for you.

I get it.

Mrs M your pictures are wonderful!! I'm glad you posted them.

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