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Reply to "Good Day to Everyone!"

Hi Ladies,

Just started my 2nd cup. Last night was way too much fun. The 3 of you had me going in several directions. It wore me out, so I'm a little late this morning.

I figured Sara would do something. Like I said, I try to leave those posts alone. In the past, all I've accomplished is to fuel the argument. I think the best thing is to keep on posting somewhere else and tell AS about it (using the icon). If new people come into the forum and see one or two people with recent registration dates and low post numbers complaining and getting all pissie, and they see us having a good time, I think they'll come to the correct assumption.

In the past, competitive sniping services have gotten onto this forum and made false complaints against AS. I don't know if that was the case last night, and I'm not making any accusations.

Sara can bring up the data base, so she can, and does, set the record straight.

I think it would be very frustrating to throw a tantrum and to be ignored. And, when they see posting going on else where, they must realize that no one gives a hoot.

I don't think someone uses that kind of language unless they want to get attention (although, I always like to read what they leave because sometimes it's funny).

The next time this happens (yes, it will surely happen again), it probably won't have quite the shock value as last night's did. Anyway, I was having too much fun to let it bug me.