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I'm a bit confused about what comprises my first 3 snipes, which are now exhausted. My last two snipes were unneeded because I was already the high bidder on the auctions (these bids were placed prior to joining AS.) It is my understanding that I should have received a status of "High Bidder" meaning "Your snipe could not be placed because you were currently the high bidder." But instead I got the "You Won" message and in both cases my free snipe was used up. Here are the two ebay numbers:


The one snipe that was placed where AS did win the bid for me is:


Now, this generates 2 questions.

1. Why didn't I get the status message I should have?

2. I thought I'd read that if AS didn't actually win the bid for you, then it didn't count as one of your "free" snipes AND that you wouldn't be charged by AS for the win. In the future am I going to get charged for these types of wins now that my freebies are gone?

Next question... how the heck do I sign-on as a subscribed user? The Upgrade option is under construction - and I'm not even sure if that is what I need, anyway. When I first signed up I gave my credit card # info... is that all I need to do to be assured that my snipes will continue as scheduled?

And next question. I've seen there were problems with the seach function, but also haven't seen any recent updates. I've tried using it to search for something that is currently up for auction on ebay - several listings - and it comes up as item not found. Soooo I assume they still have some bugs to work out, but am not sure they know it, since I've seen no update posts regarding it. If you are curious the search was for Tom Jones Reload.

One more and I think I'm done for now. Each time I change tabs and then go back to My Snipes I have to re-login, even tho I've checked the Remember Me box many times. This also happens if I close the browser and reopen it. Anyone having this problem?

Thanks for listening and for any help/advise offered. I have emailed regarding most this questions, but haven't received a response yet. I realize that response to emails can take time and was hoping maybe I'd get faster answers here - my primary concern being: Are my scheduled Snipes still going to run now that my trial is up?
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Originally posted by dagnabitgrabit:
2. I thought I'd read that if AS didn't actually win the bid for you, then it didn't count as one of your "free" snipes AND that you wouldn't be charged by AS for the win. In the future am I going to get charged for these types of wins now that my freebies are gone?

This is from AS' faq:
36. Why do you snipe if I’m already the high bidder?

Our sniping system needs to be as efficient as possible when placing snipes. If we had to check to see if you are already the high bidder before we snipe it would add an extra step to the process. We like to be able to snipe no matter what to make sure we don't miss any snipes.

If you placed a bid on eBay for $10.00, then you sniped with us for $10.00, the user would get a "HIGH BIDDER" status message. But if they place a bid on eBay for $10.00, then snipe for $15.00, then they will be charged a snipe credit and the status will be "YOU WON!" You're not really bidding against yourself, you're just raising your max proxy bid in this case.

AS has no way of knowing that it didn't place your snipe, but it knows that you won. Also, AS' resources were used. If AS didn't do this, some would tend to use AS only as a backup to manual snipes.

I know I didn't answer all of your questions, but since you were so kind as to help someone else that is new to this forum, I thought I'd post something to start the ball rolling towards answering your other questions.
Last edited {1}
I'm still here and have won a couple more snipes, so I think my question about subscribing has been answered! lol I'm officially a paying card-carrying AS sniper now! woohoo!

I got an email for my saved search and even tho the "Tom Jones Reload" came up with 3 matches, it still didn't find the listing I've been following, 2555710116. It gave me the following 3 matches:

2557193243 (Canadian listing)

I've filtered out all listings not in the USA, so the Canadian shouldn't have shown up. The other two match on "Tom Jones" but not on "Reload."

hmmmmm curiouser and curioser...
Hi dagnabitgrabit Smile (funny handle)

I too, signed up for AS with my credit card even though I still had free snipes coming, but I had to sign up again and "reactivate" my account when my snipes were used up. A message came up on the "MY SNIPES" page telling me to do this.
A small inconvenience, but evrything's cool now.

I'm afraid I can't answere the rest of your questions, but I hope this answer helped.

I'll have a go at dagnabitgrabit's last two questions:

"And next question. I've seen there were problems with the seach function, but also haven't seen any recent updates. I've tried using it to search for something that is currently up for auction on ebay - several listings - and it comes up as item not found. Soooo I assume they still have some bugs to work out, but am not sure they know it, since I've seen no update posts regarding it. If you are curious the search was for Tom Jones Reload."

AS has a bug or bugs in its search function and Sara B. of Sniper Support has said as much. She also indicated that the programmers would be working on it. This is as of about a week ago. They're not keen on putting out update posts, particularly if there's nothing new to report, I've noticed. But yes, they know about the bugs.

"One more and I think I'm done for now. Each time I change tabs and then go back to My Snipes I have to re-login, even tho I've checked the Remember Me box many times. This also happens if I close the browser and reopen it. Anyone having this problem?"

If you don't mind, could you clarify what you mean when you say 'change tabs'? All I can think of is that maybe your username and/or password doesn't match the one(s) you use for eBay. That is a must. (They don't have to match so far as logging into the Forum is concerned.) If you'll be kind enough to expand on 'changing tabs' I may be able to come up with other worthless ideas. Big Grin
Hi Steve:

Thanks for the confirmation on the search thingy. I suspected as much. I'll just keeping using ebay search until we hear more.

Oddly enough ever since I placed that post, I've not had the problem with having to sign in over and over. What I meant my changing tabs is going from the "My Snipes" tab to the "Help" tab - browsing around and then going back to "My Snipes."

Now, I have a theory... but it may be way off. When I first registered for this great service and got my 3 freebie snipes, I tried going to the forum a few times and it kept asking for my ID and password and I entered it and it kept saying I wasn't registered or entering the wrong ID/password! Well heck, I figured maybe it was happening because I wasn't a full-fledged subscriber yet and I wasn't allowed access yet.

TODAY, I finally figured out that I had to register SEPARATELY for the forum! DUH! But I have to say, for a newbie, it was kinda confusing.

MAYBE the problem I was having where I was required to re-login each time I went back to my "My Snipes" tab was actually only happening when I left the "Forum" tab and my unsuccessful attempts to get in! Who knows... but everything seems fine every since I registered for the forum. <shrug>

Ok... back to my listings! Geeesh you guys are kind of addicting. I've not gotten involved in a chat forum in a long long time!
Glad your problem, whatever it was, has resolved itself. I kinda figure it had something to do with userids or passwords...almost always does.

Joining this Forum is like enrolling in a graduate course in sniping. There are a lot of seasoned veteran snipers here who have the experience, know all the angles -- and are willing to share them with you. Yep, it is addictive. Big Grin

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