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Meet Lovelylady, whose feedback file chronicles a tale of woe. Items got lost in the mail, in UPS, she's sick, her baby is sick, her grandmother is sick...then comes a string of funerals. Oh, and there's that pesky occurance of being "out of stock." As one piece of feedback says "Don't auction off something you don't have." Good idea!

The not so Lovelylady
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I have a better folly; I once bid on some specialty phone equipment and the seller wanted way too much for shipping: 26USD to ship less than 3 pounds UPS ground (the UPS site showed 13USD). I decided that I did not want to be "ripped off" on the shipping and let the seller know. After a couple of weeks of going back and forth, I noticed that my feedback had gone up and when I checked it, the seller had left positve feedback! Strange, I was flummoxed.
Originally posted by barskin:
Meet Lovelylady, whose feedback file chronicles a tale of woe. Items got lost in the mail, in UPS, she's sick, her baby is sick, her grandmother is sick...then comes a string of funerals. Oh, and there's that pesky occurance of being "out of stock." As one piece of feedback says "Don't auction off something you don't have." Good idea!

The not so Lovelylady

She seems rather short of vowels, as well.
Or shld tht b 'sh sms rthr shrt f vwls'
Funerals and a sick baby are things that happen in life and for a mother it can be a difficult thing to do anything else but hold their child. I checked the feedback and this person seems a bit judgemental. Feedback on ebay is no longer perfect! This person does business with a lot of newbies and many times they will leave feedback for no reason. I believe she has done a good job giving answers for the delays that may have arrived because of them. BARSKIN should be a little nicer about it. There are ebay members out there that will take advantage of you and not be truthful. You should consider what would happen to you if someone died. How you handle them, is what shows your character. Writing on a feed like this---shows none!
Seems someone's told her of her mention on this forum - brilliant!
That's VERY possible. An alternative could be that ever niffy Google. Doing a search on “lovelylady” and “ebay” comes up with 94 hits, and the 5th hit is this topic. Using “lovelylady” and “feedback” gets 619 hits with this as the 1st hit. “lovelylady” and “feedback” and “ebay” gets 6 hits with this as the 1st.

These little search engines use something I think called spiders to pull out “stuff” from sites, including forums (perhaps a techie will provide more technical information). A lot of forums like it, because it’s free advertising. But, you should be careful what you say, and who you say it about. That’s why it’s a good idea not to use your ebay ID on this forum, nor on other forum, if you can avoid it. And, that's probably why not many do, or if they did, they changed it on this forum.
Originally posted by Serenity:
Anyway, different IDs are nice if you want to reinvent yourself! Wink Where else but on the internet can you become an actor without trying out for the part? Big Grin I could be young acting old or old acting young. Even be a male instead of a female or vice versa! Fun, Fun!!
Your ID says it all.

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