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You change your ebay ID and experience dual personalities.

Your ebay ID is hacked and you have an identity crises.

You follow ebay’s password advice when naming your children.

You start a lasting relationship with a spammer.

You use ebay to ask your spouse questions.

You use ebay’s Contact Info service to remember your address.

You know who Joon-Soo Kim is.

You could recognize Joon-Soo Kim.

You have a picture of yourself in your About Me.

You have a picture of someone else in your About Me.

You have a picture of your children in your About Me.

You have a picture of someone else’s children in your About Me.

You have a picture of someone else’s dog in your About Me.

You have ebay Radio as a selection on your car radio.

You receive ebay Alerts on your cell phone while driving.

You’re going for a doctorate from ebay University.

You’re a Yank and bid on Ozzie Auctions.

You’re a Yank and know what GMT means.

You have a favorite person at ebay’s customer support.

Instead of a prenuptial, the two of you have a T.O.S.

You have your clocks set to PST.
You have ebay Radio as a selection on your car radio.

You receive ebay Alerts on your cell phone while driving.

You’re going for a doctorate from ebay University.
Is there really such things? Ebay radio, university, alerts to cell phone? Confused Guess I'm not an addict after all!
You have your clocks set to PST.
Perhaps "You have at least one clock set to 'ebay time.'"

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