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Hi Clydo,

Since you are having trouble with the import wizard, I suspect you are most likely using the BETA version of the new My eBay page. Our watch importing functionality is not compatible with the BETA version of the new My eBay page so, if that is indeed the case, you will need to opt out of the use of the BETA My eBay page before you will be able to import watches into your Auction Sniper account successfully.

If eBay decides to make this new version of the My eBay page the standard, we make whatever adjustments are necessary to support the importing of watches for users who are using that version of the My eBay page.

If you are not using the BETA version of the new My eBay page and you still cannot import watches using Auction Sniper, I recommend contacting our customer support team using the web form on the following page:

Hi Community,

We became aware of a technical issue yesterday that is causing many users to be unable to place snipes on items listed on some international eBay sites. While this problem did not begin until well after this thread was started, the behavior you will see if you are being affected by this current issue is similar to what has been discussed on this thread.

A description of this problem is currently posted on the following thread of our forum: I will be posting further updates on that thread as additional information becomes available.

Hi Ron Natalie,

Thanks for letting us know about this. I did a fair amount of searching on eBay and elsewhere on the web but I was unable to find any announcements stating that eBay would be removing the option to opt out of using the BETA version of the My eBay page. If possible, can you please post a link to where this information is displayed?

I'll see if I can get in touch with someone within eBay that will be able to verify whether this is indeed going to happen and when we can expect that transition to take place.

We'll definitely do what we can to make the Import Wizard compatible with the new My eBay page when and if that change is going to take place.


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