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Yes.quote:Is it just me
I love you Oli.quote:Originally posted by region2:
I see they've not bothered updating the forum's look and now none of the tabs work! Go AS!
That's probably because of your post:quote:Originally posted by region2:
And on the My Snipes page it says "Error: No ads to display" in the advert box.
quote:Originally posted by Rick:
That's probably because of your post:
Nope. You’re it. I’ve reached the lowest point that anyone can.quote:Originally posted by region2:
I despair - have you really nothing else in your life.
At last, you and I don't disagree.quote:Originally posted by region2:
Few would disagree...
I have it, AS! Just drop the word “Error”. Then region2 won’t think it’s a bug.quote:Originally posted by region2:
And on the My Snipes page it says "Error: No ads to display" in the advert box.
Even better - just change the entire text to “This space for rent.”quote:Originally posted by Rick:
Just drop the word “Error”.
Hi there, region2. What do you think of AS' Facebook page?quote:Originally posted by region2:
That's better - it now says YOU GOT WINS which is always a good thing.
quote:Originally posted by Rick:
Hi there, region2. What do you think of AS' Facebook page?
You’re always so fast to criticize something. Must mean you can’t find anything wrong with AS’ Facebook page. That must be even more depressing for you.quote:Originally posted by region2:
Hasn't someone murdered you yet?
Thank you, Mrs. Region2, for letting region2_jr come out to play.quote:Originally posted by region2:
There's a buzzing in my ears - can you hear it?
I knew that would bring him out from hiding.
How DOOOO you come up with such clever responses? I’ll bet you use a ghost writer, as I would expect those kind of replies could only come from someone deceased.quote:Originally posted by region2:
There it is again - bzzz, bzzz bzzz
Using pictures – a sure sign of someone that can’t communicate.