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Rick & Chatter,
When Steve tries to stop at post #999, we're gonna have to come up with some sort of thread that he won't be able to pass up. Then he'll do his 1000th post right away. I'm taking this as a dare...any ideas? Maybe I could come in with another posting ID and trick him! Razz

P.S.--What do you gotta do to get a title like Sara's?? Love it! Big Grin
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"AuctionSniper Support Sniper Goddess?" Oh, gimmee a break! Big Grin Fordfalcons, I guess you gotta be the one at AS who comes up with these titles to get one like that.

Yeah, Rick, I saw the ProSniper titles. Pretty nifty -- but nuthin' like "Goddess." Razz

You guys and gals can plot all you want, but I'll come up with something that'll let me dictate when my #1,000 rolls around. Wink

Originally posted by Steve:
You guys and gals can plot all you want, but I'll come up with something that'll let me dictate when my #1,000 rolls around. Wink



You take as long as you want, and then some, and then some, and then some. No sense in pushing yourself to reach your goal. Why suffer all that unnecessary stress. And I think it's extremely wise of you to hang out at 999 until you "come up with something that'll let me dictate when my #1,000 rolls around." Why have your 1,000th be over something trivial. Skip Romanians - skip honor scouts. I'm talking something big. I'd wait for a post from Jimmy Hoffa. Eek

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>> Taking notes...change posting ID to Jimmy Hoffa <<
I think Steve's too cleaver for that, but you've known him longer then me, so your opinion on this subject is better then mine.

Also, I think we should respect any decision he makes, even if he wants to postponed reaching his goal (say for a couple of weeks). He's worked hard, and long, and the least we can all do is not force him to do something before he's ready. Eek

And there's the added worry I have over his health. I know he's very shy, and all this attention that everyone is giving him, might be causing him undue stress. None of us wants to see that. Frown Frown

So, in Steve's best interests, I'm going to go against the majority view, and suggest that he take it nice and easy, get plenty of rest, drink lots of fluids, eat extra fiber, cut down on red meat, take vitamin suppliants, take long walks, meditate, find his inner-self, become one with the universe, take up karate, enjoy the great outdoors away from electrical outlets - in other words, stay away from his computer.

Steve, don't you think this is good advice?

23 - 157
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