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Sellers generally list less items, and probably less desirable items in the slow summer months.

Maybe the slow summer months are caused by these sellers thinking summers are slow and thus listing less and they're the whole cause Smile

If you're still at a loss for what to bid on then I can probably come up with quite a list of things I could use Smile
lots of reasons your bidding might have slowed. but here's an idea, and it's actually not easy to do given what creatures of habit we are: try new, but not totally different, categories. often ebay seems to offer us only the chance to buy things that fall within our obvious preferences, but if you think of it as more of a store (whatever your favorite kind of store is) and imagine yourself wandering around and sort of stumbling on interesting things, then you might make discoveries. one way to do this is the classic slight change of name in the search space - add an "s", list "bronze" instead of "brass", try "deco" instead of just "glass", whatever. all this may be obvious but there it is.


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