Although I'm not new to AS, I was just thinking about something that really doesn't make sense...
If I proxy bid on Ebay as my highest bid, why should I use and pay AS to do the same?
IE) An item starts off as $1.00 and I am the only one who placed a bid so far, but am only willing to go as high as $10.00, so I proxy bid for that amount.
How, then, could anyone beat my $10.00 bid which I already placed using proxy bidding unless they wanted to outbid me, in which case I wouldn't care as I don't want to go higher anyway.
Ebay's rules are that all PREVIOUS proxy bids are honored before later ones.
I know it sounds confusing, but I hope you understand what I am trying to say.
I'm not sure what the point is...Can anyone explain?
Thanks in advance
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