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I've mentioned this before - why are bidders who lose by being not in time sent to the FAQ that explains what went wrong in some detail?
Also, why don't snipes that are set on items that finish at busy times (eg. 7pm Sunday) bring up a warning message that reminds people that lead times need adjusting?

Would save a lot of red faces Mad in forum postings and potentially mean more income for you/more wins for your punters.


I too was let down by auctionsniper last night (Feb 29th) very disappointed as I would have won my item easily. My lead time was 15 seconds. I decided to put a snipe on because the auction finished at 2.30a.m. GMT now I wish I had stayed up. Never mind this is the first time I have been let down, now I won't feel so confident in the future. It must have been very busy last night as alot of you are in the same boat. I have another snipe going on later but will increase my lead tome to 30 seconds as suggested.
Hey Twigs

I use 8 seconds all the time and have never had a problem with AS being late. That said, most of my auctions are in the UK so don't have the 'sunday night peak period problem'. My advice is stick with between 5 and 10 seconds as you see fit, increasing it to 30+ on items that finish early Monday morning GMT...


Originally posted by Bartelby:
Have you sent it through the proper channels though?

Of course. Your confusing me...

...with someone who didn't spot that option on the My Snipes page almost as soon as it 1st appeared and posted it up here! Wink

I know Sara reads these forums but I wonder if AS Development read the Suggestions forum and AS Support read the Support forum?


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