rsmiller40 posted: I conclude that the program recognizes the crossover between the Ebay name and the AS post name, but only lists the feedbacks if it is the same.
However, one should keep in mind that just because you find somebody on eBay with the same 'handle' as somebody on the AS Forum, and that even if feedback might come up...it is not necessarily the same person. For example, there is a "warriornun" on eBay but it is not me. So, while one might attempt to conclude that the feedback from eBay's 'warriornun' is mine, they'd be wrong. Like gardengnome, I do not use the same 'handle' here in the AS Forum that I use on eBay.
Now, with regard to weighing in on the use of the AAAA's and the ++++'s...while I know that I am feeding a really annoying habit (yes, I dislike them too) I still tend to use a A+ or A++ since it is rather expected. I think that sometimes people wonder if something is wrong if it is not included!

However, I always include commentary regarding "great communication" or "FAST shipping" or whatever they did that was extraordinary.
I never use ALL CAPS, but I will use ALL CAPS to emphasize certain words. And I try to write something different for each of the item numbers when I win multiple auctions from one eBay seller. I'm afraid we're probably stuck with seeing the A's and +'s forever as they are such a common and expected practice.
"If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning"