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I just pulled off a snipe where the bidder was one of these guys who enters a bid and then "snipes himself" with a few seconds left in the auction even if he's still the only bidder. Obviously, he didn't have AS. I checked out his bidding record, determined that his final bid was always $9.88 above his first bid and he always put in his second bid with 18-20 seconds to go. Using this information I sniped him by 50 cents more, with 7 seconds left to go. I'll bet he *still* doesn't know how I did that. Wink
A person after my own heart! I don't have the time or experience yet to do what you did.
For me the widgit is really the most important thing - winning it is only a means to an end. Well- thats what I tell myself.

I snipe for lots of reasons. The time difference - I am a UK bidder. Also I am recognising the same names going after the same things as me. I put in a lot of time researching items and I detest bid stalkers and despise nibblers. But like any tool, there is a learning curve and you gotta put in the time and effort to learn the skills. But I still enjoy the power trip too!
... I bow to the Master! Grin. I'm new to the AS deal but have used techniques like yours for a long time in eBay. It really makes a big difference if you study the competition. I won an electric bike for a coworker using similar methods, for only $2 above the max proxy. It wasn't even the bid increment so my guess is the high bidder was crying in his beer. I checked out his (her?) previous bids for similar bikes but I had to bid "by hand" using a T1 connection which was certainly helpful. Hey, my coworker was so thrilled to get it cheap he bought me a free lunch. Works for me. Personally the adrenalin rush was great.

Hey BL, sniping is always fun (though sometimes the guilt is there...).
I never feel guilty. I LOVE sniping. Big Grin

Before I discovered AS I got into a bidding war on an item I REALLY wanted. I bid more than I really wanted to and still lost -- to a sniper. Now I set my max price and avoid bidding wars. Even when I lose an auction I take pleasure in knowing that my last second snipe has sometimes driven the winning proxy bid up by a significant amount. Razz

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