(no calls logged in 2008 so far)
7 days into the year and not a single support request – I’m impressed!
those calls were spread over 5 years . . . so some of the bugs were fixed/resolved in that time
Don’t let the lapse of 5 years prevent reposting, reposting, reposting them.
fundamentally wrong!
No, you’re fundamentally wrong! The searches were fundamentally
correct - it was only the more complicated searches that
sometimes didn’t work – remember?
And it took AS some time to realise why my free snipes were failing
Yes, it never dawned on them that someone would be so blatant about trying to get double free referral snipes. But, at least after that experience, they did remove that plan, and paid you, and gave you free snipes. But, don’t let something as minor as that stand in your way.
now have total recall of the story
R2’s definition of “total recall” is that for the next 20 minutes he’ll be able to totally . . . totally . . . totally . . . I forgot what he could total.
R2's G/F is, of course, flawless!
That’s a given – one could even say redundant.
It’s my understanding that any AS support person that can provide support for R2 for a month without complaint, or complaining, automatically becomes a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize. Unfortunately, none of them (he’s gone through 65 of them) have been able to last a day.
P.S. I can think of more than one person, besides the two of us, that’s enjoying our exchanges. Maybe even R2’s G/F.