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I see AuctionSnipper100.exe available for download.... i guess it's too late for pre-OSX mac software to be created, but I'd use it!

If you'd like to see it too, post your plea by replying to this post!!

anyway, i'm having a great time w/ AS. I think as time goes on, the Sniping services will be compeating to get down to the 1 second mark...

smile, and go take a walk in the snow!
Wink touch

-boards of canada-
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Original Post
If Microsoft or anyone else ever makes .NET technology for Mac then it will work. Not sure if that will ever happen, but .NET is sorta like Java in that it is possible to run on different operating systems if someone programs it to do so. The question is whether Microsoft will allow it and if anyone does it.

I believe there are some people working on such a project for linux, and maybe their efforts will help a mac project down the road if they are successful.

Other than that though we dont plan on it. It's a cool little program but you should be able to use the "Snipe It Now" feature with much the same results. Check out the Snipe It Now link just below the MySnipes tab while you are on the MySnipes tab.

Thank you

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