Hi I have just won three auctions in a row and I'm feeling very pleased with myself. There's no way I would have found those books trawling around secondhand book shops in myhome town! One question. I put some items up for auction myself and one has a bid but the bidder's username just says 'Unavailable', what does this mean as I have not come across it before? I'm sorry if this has been asked before. Best wishes to all.
If it's your auction, you set it up to keep all ID's private. One of the options is 'Is this a private auction?' If you checked it, eBay will keep all bidder ID's from being seen.
You might want to do that if the item you are selling is a little embarrassing for someone to bid on if their ID were visible, or could also be used to keep others from contacting your bidders.
If you created the auction as a "Private" auction then all bidders will show up like that. It's an option that you as the seller can choose when listing the item.
Usually only smut peddlers and antiquities dealers or those selling expensive items that dont want their customers poached use it.
Often times in high price auctions other sellers will try emailing the bidders to offer them a better price. Using a private auction would stop that. The negative to that posistive is that you cant tell who is bidding and that seller could be using their friend to jack up the price of the item and you'd never know. So that is the reason not everyone uses them on high ticket items. It sorta scares bidders away when they cant see who is bidding against them.
Oh dear! I must have pressed the wrong button when I created the listing. Now it has a bid I can't change it. I don't think anyone would be too concerned if others knew what they were bidding on...Its an old family bible!
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