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This is something I've mentioned before, but Sara B is the one that can give a definitive answer.

Import imports only those items that you have bids on in eBay, but not items on you watch list or saved searches. Two things that I think would be great additions to AS.
SmileYes importing your watch list is now working - but my problem is that the import wizzard imports them as snipes - I want to import them as a watch list - not a snipe list.

If I wanted to snipe them, I'd just add them to my snipes via the my snipe link. But I don't want to snipe them, I want to watch the auction, see what it closes at and them contact the seller if no one bids on it. Because I think the item is priced to high, but I'm still interested in it at a fair price.

So I don't want to import the watch list as a snipe, just as a watch list with the link to the auction and the sellers email address.

Does that make sense - or am I the only one that does this?
Isn't that what eBay's own Watch List page is for? I just have a bookmark that goes straight to that page, I never look at eBay's front page ...

Only thing that annoys me about eBay's own Watch List page is that it only allows 30 items, so I've got a couple of eBay ids that I use for different areas. I need a Watch List of more like 50 items.
Agree -

But it would be nice to manage all the eBay bids/watches in one place. I do the same thing, but only have one eBay ID - so I still live with the 30 watch limit.

Just something I'd like to see to reduce the AS to eBay to AS ....

That and importing searches and I'd never have to go to eBay at all.
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I'll pass that on as a suggestion... We don't keep a watch list for you though, it would require a lot of extra work for our services and servers.

Would you be willing to pay for watching and monitoring items?? I can imagine a lot of people abusing this feature, generating a lot of extra load on our services... I was just wondering if this feature is so important that user are willing to pay for it...

About importing searches... I'll pass suggestion that too...

Have a great day,

Sofia Cool
I might be naive but I don't see how people would abuse such a feature? All I want is the ability to "watch" more than 30 items. "watch" for me means "add to a list of auctions I'm interested in tracking" so that I can later return to said item and (a) place a manual snipe (if I'm around) or an automatic snipe using AuctionSniper (due to my being elsewhere); or (b) just keeping an eye on the final value that the auction made (generally because I will bid on a very similar auction a few days later but wanted to see what the first one did)
Like I said it just makes things easier, being able to track everything one place.

I agree that I may add a snipe, but may not - so I can see why you wouldn't want to do - it may not generate any more revenue for AS. Just another one of those features to distinguish you from the other sniping software out there.

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