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I won the laptop for $275 cheaper by not going head to head with against someone. Yeah this is my new fav website, I'm going to spam all my friends about this service too.

My lead time was 5 and I believe that is a good amount considering how much time it takes to refresh the screen your looking at.

This one person was pushing the bidding up and up so I just waited and watched. I didn't bid at all you don't want to show your cards do you. And I waited until it finished and when I refreshed I was the winner. I bet that guy was shitting his pants, I looked over his profile and he buys laptops and then sells them on the street. This was as is condition with a broken lcd screen I have an extra screen because my wife dropped mine and killed the system board. She in turn took my laptop.

Worth every penny, The F'ing Sh*t if you ask me WOOT!!!!
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
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