Now I'm not speaking about those who put in a bid at an earlier time then bid again in the last few seconds to cover themselves. Unfortunately I find myself forced do this too. I'm talking about the turkeys who do not have the courtesy of placing their first bid until the last few seconds. How you can appreciate the <item> you managed to snipe is beyond me, I guess I was raised with better manners. And please don't hide behind the excuse of "I just now turned on my computer, saw the insulator, decided I can't live without it so I'll bid the next 50c increment, all within 3 seconds". Maybe you can live with yourself which is all the more sad. I have actually passed on bidding in this scenario, my integrity is more important than any <item>.
What's the point of this diatribe? As much as I get bent out of shape when people snipe me I'm very likely going to join AuctionSniper. I know I can't teach proper behavior to the ill-mannered via the 'net so I'm going to fight fire with fire. And no, this is not a stain on my integrity, I will give everyone the courtesy of placing my first bid well before the auction's end and use the AuctionSniper for those many times I can't sit glued to my screen so I can bid again.
Finally, I'd like to publicly thank <NR> for bringing this service to my attention. It's a shame I need to resort to this but sometimes we have to do what we have to do. Thanks."

The above was posted on another hobby mailing list that I subscribe to; all names were removed to protect the guilty, er, innocent. Whew, the writer definitely does not like sniping, or maybe, especially, snipers; but, they are joining our happy group. HMMMM, I do not think that they would like to read the answer that is going through my mind and may get posted.