The best way to increase your probably of winning an item is to place an exorbitant proxy bid (say 3 or 4 times what it's worth). That won't guarantee that someone else won't outbid you (or that you won't be nibbled, shilled or bid-retracted), but it's about the best way that I know of to get those "I *REALLY* want" items.
If, on the other hand you don't own Microsoft, you could consider placing a reasonable proxy bid, and hope you don't get outbidded, nibbled, shilled or bid-retracted.
A third option is sniping. You've read about Sunday evenings. Lead times can be very critical then. Nothing is perfect. On some Sunday's AS doesn't place a few auctions successfully, but does place a whole bunch successfully even using 5 seconds. AS can't just tack on 30 seconds to everyone's bid, because others would complain about placing the bid too early.
Even if only 5 or 10 out of a 1,000 aren't placed, on a must-have even that risk may not be acceptable to you.
I would suggest a compromise. Place your snipe with 30 to 45 seconds. If during the last 30 to 45 seconds of your auction ebay is running smoothly, then someone may make a retaliatory snipe. Maybe even two. But I think that most snipes are automated, so what ever lead time you used, you'd be snipe.
I would also add, that unless this is a one-of-a-kind item, it's bound to show up again, and you'll probably get it cheaper. When I first started on ebay, I was very pre-occupied about winning each auction. Had I been more "rational" and "patient" I would have waited until the item re-appeared and saved a bunch of money.
There are no guarantees. The call is yours. Like to hear how it goes, and GOOD LUCK - IT'S A JUNGLE OUT THERE.