I'll start off by saying Thank You. Though you have not responded to one of my posts personally, you posts are always informative and helpful.

In your post (pasted below) you were talking about the drop downs. I only discovered them when I started using AS for a number of auctions at the same time and noticed that I was not seeing them all.
My suggestion is that instead of the default being "ready to snipe". How about the default being "current" and not only show the ready to snipe but also all snipes that ended in the past 24 hours, wins, losses, etc.
I know that the information can be found under the drop downs and you can set your view in options but it is just an idea.
A question for you, when you do use the drop down under "ready to snipe" and choose "all" how are the snipes organized, by auction number or ??? How about getting it changed to organized by date with most recent listed first.
posted July 18, 2003 10:16 AM
Well I'm wondering if we're not doing a good enough job somehow ourselves.
Like it seems like tons of users dont even know how to use the drop down lists on the My Snipes tab to filter their snipes. Thus they dont know that they can even see their lost snipes.
Then the ones that do dont know what the confirmation button is. Maybe we should change the name of that button to: "eBays Reply", "Snipe Receipt" or something.
Also when someone loses by a bid increment the current message in status column is: "Bid too low." That confuses people because their bid is $294 and the winner only paid $293. So how can that be too low, they think. I think we're going to change that status message. "Bid increment not met."
I'm also wondering if there is an easier way to let you guys use the My Snipes tab. The drop downs dont get used by everyone. I've thought about it alot and havent found a better way. There is a heck of a lot of functionality built into just those 2 or 3 drop downs on that tab. But at the very least I want to give people an easier way to see their losing snipes. So maybe we'll put a text link on the my snipes tab to show losing snipes.