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M said:
I do defend my Country
That gives me an idea. How about your Country gives you seniors M-16’s and send yous to “the front”. It seems a pity to have so many young die before their time. After all, historically, the old send the young to die. Why not get the old more “involved”. It would cut down on health insurance benefits.
Originally posted by Rick:
Pisser. Did you win against yourself, or did yourself start nibbling you?

I didn't beat my original max bid but didn't win the auction anyway. Don't know what the seller made of it, the ebay registered email addresses are almost identical!

Are you allowed to nibble yourself?

Life gets quite confusing with two browsers (IE and Netscrape) to have 2 simultaneous logins on ebay. Once I evan paid what something was worth by mistake Frown
Has anybody else out there with multiple ebay IDs ever outbid themselves? Or am I the only one Frown

I have not outbid myself, but I have been suspended for listing something my dad wanted to buy from me Mad As a "jr" I am cursed to live in his shadow.. I am even listed as an ALIAS on his credit report!!! Mad It must have been his good credit rating that let me get a car loan Big Grin
Originally posted by Mrs.M:
Well, DONALDJR , I notice you use the JR. here of your own free will, so you must be a little proud of it, huh? Wink

"Donaldjr" is less likely to be taken than "Donald".. so I just usually try it first as a name. I am not sure if I am proud of it or not.. but I can tell you if I ever have a son, his name will not be "Donald" III, JRjr, JR the second, or even just Donald Cool Do you know how hard it is to fill out any forms?? They NEVER have any space provided for the Jr, (or Sr, III, or even VII if you are one of those Forman's Smile )
WARNING: This post has nothing to do with sniping issues, so those forum members that are mainly interested in sniping issues should skip reading this post.
I guess I shall remember to ONLY answer the question and not comment on anything else.

Sorry - I seem to have slipped off the curb again
That’s funny. I didn’t appreciate the humor at first until I reread some of the previous posts.

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