Whenever one clicks an "item" link in AuctionSniper (to open a new window containing the ebay page about the item) they always come off ebay.com. As a UK user I'd like AuctionSniper to open them off the UK site (ebay.co.uk).
Why? The page looks almost the same, and the auction description and amount are the same (the numbers anyway, how the sites display the currency in use does differ) but there are various subtle differences. And the biggie is Time - the US site displays absolute times in PST but the UK site displays the same time in GMT/BST. It is much easier to work out who bid what and when for example, when the bid history is displayed in the same time zone as that in which my desk and chair are.
Another: I often go off to other parts of eBay from the page that AS opened for me, and it's very annoying to forget until five pages later that I'm on the US site (which has its own cookies etc so doesn't know my preferences).
SO my suggestion is that in their preferences, AS users be able to select their regular eBay site. Then whenever AS sets up a link to an eBay page it does it off cgi.ebay.com or cgi.ebay.co.uk as per the user's preferred eBay site.
The beauty of it is that all the URLs are exactly the same, BUT for the "cgi.ebay.com" or "cgi.ebay.co.uk" bit at the start. So this would be REALLY easy to program. You can swap ebay.com for ebay.com.au on any URL and get the Oz version of the same page. But best of all you can swap in ebay.fr and get everything in French, I am sure this would be of use to AS' euro customers, if they are chasing that market (and why not). I think this could be an easy enhancement for AS to make which could really endear them to the international audience.