Since this is a rhetorical topic (ebay isn't going to change) on ebay bidding rules, I also have a suggestion (of course) that would greatly increase the ebay experience (APPLAUSE).
Ebay needs to limit the number of bids that any one bidder can place on an auction. I suggest that two bids should be the limit. I suggest this for the following:
1) Two would allow for BIN stomping.
2) I'm ashamed of my species (no cheap shots, now) when I see someone change their mind in public more then once (other then politicians, with is a whole different discussion).
Now, I know for all those nibblers out there, being this decisive can be very traumatic. They don't have that much, if any, experience in deciding what something is worth, so they base their value of an item on what others view it. With that in mind, I purpose implementing this in phases.
Phase 1) Nibblers can have up to 25 bids on any 1 auction for the first month.
Phase 2) Nibblers can have up to 15 bids for the second month.
Phase 3) Nibblers can have up to 5 bids for the third month.
Phase 4) Nibblers can have up to 2 bids after that (cold-turkey phase).
For some this will be an extremely difficult adjustment period. Perhaps someone can come up with a nibbler patch that can be placed on the arm to avoid nibble withdrawal symptoms. We could get a group therapy section going for addicted nibblers. We could also have a group devoted to the family members of nibbler addicts. Perhaps 4 phases are unrealistic and a better approach would be a Nibbleroholic Anonymous (NA) with a 10 step program toward nibbler sobriety. If successful, the Nibbleroholic Anonymous Group (Nag) or the American Nibbleroholic Anonymous Group (A Nag) or Universal Nibbleroholic Anonymous Group (U Nag) could be formed. Maybe Nibbler Farms with slow speed access could be started on Mars.
Of course, there would be those that would fall off the wagon, and go back to closet nibbling (using more then one ebay ID). I'll be the first to admit that I haven't solved all the problems. But I see the nibbler issue as THE major social problem of the first decade of this century.
HELP STAMP OUT NIBBLING NOWBuried inside of every nibbler, is a rational person trying to get out.speculatrix,
Pay no attention to me. They don't let me out very often.