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Booksearch - you wouldn't appear as a watcher because AS has nothing to do with eBay until the bid is placed. They are merely "holding" your instructions.

The only time you would appear on a seller's watching list is if you tell ebay that you want to add that item to your "watch" list.

I never see any problem with that. I watch lots of things. "I wonder what that will fetch" "who will bid on that" The watching list is no real help, unfortunately, to a seller because it gives no indication as to who will actually bid at the end.

For examply I sometines see something so overpriced that I mark it thinking "if he doesn't sell that, I'll try a private bid" Often works (Just don't tell eBay!)

It is, typically, what I call a "spurious" statistic - on the face of it interesting - but completely useless in practice!


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