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To address issues we've specifically had with missed snipes over the past week, we have found the root cause and have made the fix.

We sync the clock on our servers to match the exact time of eBay. In case you ever want to see the official eBay time, you can find it here:

The problem Auctionsniper had over this past week is that the time server we were using was off from official eBay time by nearly 2 seconds. We use multiple time servers (most as backups) and have monitored all of them in the past to make sure we were matched with eBay. I honestly don't know why this one time server ended up being off from eBay and we've now removed it from our verified list.

As of 2pm Pacific time, we're now back to matching eBay's system time and we will continue to monitor our time to make sure we're matching ebay.

Users using snipe lead times at 5 seconds or less were more likely to have been affected here than others.

I appologize for this error with our servers. Free snipe credits are able to be claimed for those who had snipes fail due to "Not in Time".

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I think you'd better check your servers again. In 3 auctions you sniped for me today, two had 7 second leads and your servers sniped at 11 and 13 seconds prior to close. 'Lag time' (support told me) is added due to 'heavy ebay traffic'

The third had a lead time of 5 seconds and I lost it due to 'heavy ebay traffic', (support told me) yet they cannot tell me why there was no 'lag time' added on that one...
two had 7 second leads and your servers sniped at 11 and 13 seconds prior to close
- what's the problem with those? A few secs difference makes no difference.

The third had a lead time of 5 seconds and I lost it due to 'heavy ebay traffic', (support told me) yet they cannot tell me why there was no 'lag time' added on that one...
- didn't Kevin just answer that?


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