Bid history at eBay is in amount order. The following is in day/time order.
First bid placed is line #1. That should make it easier to follow the auction.
Two additional columns have been calculated and added. They are the current
bid and high bidder, as displayed on eBay after each bid is placed. v2.1.09
* = Winning bid. (may be less than actual maximum entered.)
Max Current Winning
# Bidder Bid Day & Time Bid & Bidder
(US $)
1 squeakcat99 5.01 17-Aug 16:53:22 0.99 squeakcat99
2 economan23 2.00 17-Aug 21:36:11 2.25 squeakcat99
3 ptpsprtfan 2.50 18-Aug 07:58:14 2.75 squeakcat99
4 economan23 5.00 18-Aug 08:15:17 5.01 squeakcat99
5 economan23 8.00 18-Aug 08:15:23 5.51 economan23
6 squeakcat99 10.01 18-Aug 09:36:23 8.50 squeakcat99
7 uwant_it 9.00 18-Aug 20:34:40 9.50 squeakcat99
8 david35079 20.00 19-Aug 17:14:22 10.51 david35079
9 ptpsprtfan 12.01 19-Aug 18:31:22 12.51 david35079
10 economan23 30.00 19-Aug 19:04:58 20.50 economan23
11 david35079 25.00 19-Aug 21:15:10 26.00 economan23
12 internet_shop 30.00 20-Aug 02:21:25 30.00 economan23
13 internet_shop 32.00 20-Aug 02:21:45 31.00 internet_shop
14 economan23 33.99 20-Aug 08:08:00 33.00 economan23
15 anaflous 35.00 20-Aug 13:23:47 34.99 anaflous
16 rudeboy0_0 45.00 20-Aug 14:01:27 36.00 rudeboy0_0
17 disciple19572 49.99 20-Aug 15:07:55 46.00 disciple19572
18 gordo *50.99 20-Aug 15:07:56 50.99 gordo
End 20-Aug 15:08:02
Don't mind me... Just showing off.    