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Hello Everyone,
I've recently had a couple of snipes "blocked by seller"; in the details, it says the seller does not ship to my area.
I'm in Canada, but can provide a US shipping address.
Here's my question: When submitting a manual bid on eBay, the listing says "this item may not ship to your area".
I am able to confirm that by selecting "continue" and the bid is successful.
Is AS able to process this kind of bid? Or will it generate the "blocked message.?"
Thanks very much for any advice,
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As far as I'm aware, this is an eBay issue. If the seller puts in restrictions on where they will or will not ship, then I don't think AS can get round it unless Ebay returns a special code for this rejection. You'll have to ask the AS guys about this.

What you could do, is change your shipping address on eBay, the the US one, before the SNIPE is due to go in or, write to the seller to see if they'd change the listing to include your country.

The other way, which is a bit torturous, is to set up another eBay account with your US shipping address (but remember that it will show unconfirmed on PayPal plus PayPal won't let you use the same bank account).

It's a bummer - happened to me once but never again !!

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