Hi Mrs. M.

Rick, please tell me what the infopop site is..I have nosed around there, but don't have a clue what the MAIN purpose is. 
Mrs. M

Originally posted by rsmiller40:
Rick, please tell me what the infopop site is..I have nosed around there, but don't have a clue what the MAIN purpose is.
I don't know who they are. Maybe they are the admins of their forums, but the seem to have a lot of time on their hands.
Now, if these grandkids would just do that!
..Really, isn't it nice to see things posted there and feel that AS cares?
Mrs. M

They sure do have a lot of time on their hands! 
Mrs. M

Sweet Dreams, Rick..see you in the morning!
Mrs. M

Thanks Mrs. M.
Originally posted by rsmiller40:
Really, isn't it nice to see things posted there and feel that AS cares?
They care Mrs. M. They CARE.
How come you're allowed to say Crap, but you're not allowed to say *****? 


Squeaky, that is NOT a cuss word!!! It is just slang like bull, or maybe saying you make me puke! It is defined in the dictionary as trash,foolishness, anything useless , among others. Although, it is maybe not the most intellegent choice of words, it is not a nasty word. 
Can you copy and paste or write out exactly what you have in the signature box so I can see it?
Mrs. M
[This message was edited by rsmiller40 on October 15, 2003 at 03:41 AM.]

Can you copy and paste or write out exactly what you have in the signature box so I can see it?

[This message was edited by rsmiller40 on October 15, 2003 at 03:41 AM.]
Originally posted by Bartelby:
who's Christine??
Mrs. M helped her leave her 1st pix on Monday.
>>> CLICK HERE <<<
Originally posted by SuperSqueaky:
How come you're allowed to say Crap, but you're not allowed to say *****?
I have to agree. It doesn't make much sense. Maybe when the early Americans were killing witches, they didn't like anything that rhymed?
P.S. Like your signature addition.
Hello Mrs. M. (and everyone).
This is what I've got in my signature at the moment and it seems to work, although it's not the picture I expected to appear.
I can't upload to my own website from work (mainly because I'm so forgetful that I can't remember the handshaking settings for the server it lives on) so I'll have to put something a bit smaller on my site and then pull that down for a signature.
I find the "swearing" thing very funny
- here crap is not exactly a very rude word, but it certainly comes into the category of "not in front of the children", whereas the normal term for female dog (which I can't say here) is just a word for a girl dog. Yes, you can refer to someone by that word, but it's just impolite rather than swearing. I could say "ooh, that was a bit *****y" and nobody I know would raise an eyebrow, but if I said "That was utter crap" I would be regarded as being really quite rude....
Over here a lot of folks in the UK were rather nonplussed by the Austin Powers film "The Spy who Shagged me" for the opposite reason. I suppose that perhaps the word "shagged" isn't regarded as all that rude in the US, but it's considered a very crude term here. Some cinemas used asterisks instead of the word, but in general us childish Britishers got a great deal of amusement seeing where it would turn up!
You know what they say - two nations, devided by a common language....
I am tempted to try and see what other words get turned into asterisks by the BB, but that would be VERY childish, wouldn't it?
Back to eBay related stuff....
I was amazed and delighted to find my new PC sitting in the conservatory when I got home last night. I won the auction on Sunday, paid, the seller sent it on Monday and it arrived with me first post Tuesday. Now THAT'S service!
The memory cards I ordered for my camera still haven't arrived yet though. I asked the seller for help and in looking at the previous messages they had sent me I realised that the parts were being sent from SINGAPORE, even though the seller is registered as an eBay user in the UK and says location is in Jersey! I tend to avoid sending for electronic things from abroad because you never know if they will be compatible, so it's a pity that this particular seller didn't make clear where their warehouse is in the auction. Never mind, they're a very big trader and I can understand why the cards are so long in coming when they've got to come all the way from the far east!
BTW, I'm often lurking about here catching up on what everyone has been up to without having time to post - don't think I've disappeared if I'm quiet!
This is what I've got in my signature at the moment and it seems to work, although it's not the picture I expected to appear.
I can't upload to my own website from work (mainly because I'm so forgetful that I can't remember the handshaking settings for the server it lives on) so I'll have to put something a bit smaller on my site and then pull that down for a signature.
I find the "swearing" thing very funny

Over here a lot of folks in the UK were rather nonplussed by the Austin Powers film "The Spy who Shagged me" for the opposite reason. I suppose that perhaps the word "shagged" isn't regarded as all that rude in the US, but it's considered a very crude term here. Some cinemas used asterisks instead of the word, but in general us childish Britishers got a great deal of amusement seeing where it would turn up!
You know what they say - two nations, devided by a common language....

I am tempted to try and see what other words get turned into asterisks by the BB, but that would be VERY childish, wouldn't it?

Back to eBay related stuff....
I was amazed and delighted to find my new PC sitting in the conservatory when I got home last night. I won the auction on Sunday, paid, the seller sent it on Monday and it arrived with me first post Tuesday. Now THAT'S service!
The memory cards I ordered for my camera still haven't arrived yet though. I asked the seller for help and in looking at the previous messages they had sent me I realised that the parts were being sent from SINGAPORE, even though the seller is registered as an eBay user in the UK and says location is in Jersey! I tend to avoid sending for electronic things from abroad because you never know if they will be compatible, so it's a pity that this particular seller didn't make clear where their warehouse is in the auction. Never mind, they're a very big trader and I can understand why the cards are so long in coming when they've got to come all the way from the far east!
BTW, I'm often lurking about here catching up on what everyone has been up to without having time to post - don't think I've disappeared if I'm quiet!

Um - I don't know if that will have helped you Mrs. M, as the actual picture has appeared in my message. I'm not sure how to type the link and make it stay as text. I'll look back at previous posts where you've done it.
Shagged must be OK - it let that get through without turning it into asterisks!
Shagged must be OK - it let that get through without turning it into asterisks!

Originally posted by SuperSqueaky:
I am tempted to try and see what other words get turned into asterisks by the BB, but that would be VERY childish, wouldn't it?
Considering I did that about a year ago, I wouldn't say it childish.
More confusion. It's OK to say piss, but you can't say **** (sh_t).
Considering I did that about a year ago, I wouldn't say it childish.

I hope that a smaller, more manageable signature will appear...
A ways back, I peaked at your site and read about Vargen. At least I think it was Vargen.
A ways back, I peaked at your site and read about Vargen. At least I think it was Vargen.
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