As a buying offer was made to me the other night, it dawned on me there are several listing strategies one can use when you have multiples of one item.
1) Can list each item singly in separate auctions either at the same time or maybe one after the other or even overlapping the auctions start & stop times.
2) Can list the group of items in a dutch auction.
3) This is actually an extension/variation of #1. Can list a single item in a single auction, THEN when the auction is over, presuming there are more than 1 competing bidders, send "second chance" offers to the unsuccessful bidders that placed acceptable, though unsuccessful, bids.
The reason I'm cogitating on this is a few weeks ago I listed my very first dutch auction. I had 4 identical items and 3 bidders. Bidder 1 - $3 for 4 items, bidder#2 - $5.00 for 1 item, and bidder#3 - $10 for 1 item. When the auction is over, since I didn't have more bidders than items, ALL the bidders get the item for the $3 (that's the way dutch auctions work).
It dawned on me, if I had only listed 1 item in a standard auction, I could have sold 1 item to the high bidder#3 for $5.50, send a second chance offer to bidder#2 for $5.00, and then relisted the item in hopes that bidder#1 would bid higher after losing out on the initial listing.
Am I missing something, or do dutch auctions MINIMIZE seller income vs. a standard listing plus second chance offer strategy which seems to maximize the amount a seller can receive (not to mention having more control of how low a bid the seller is willing to accept).
Any thoughts or insights? I think I may have listed my last dutch auction unless somebody can point out some ways to me how it can benefit me as a seller.