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It'll be fixed in the next month or two. We have a large list and this is on it. Once it's fixed it shouldnt act up again. Rather than just continually patch it to make it work for a short period again and again we're redoing it to make it better.

We might try and just patch it quickly agian if we think it wont take long. Otherwise it'll have to wait until it's rewritten.
my 2 pennies

Sara, I don't know how bad it is, I don't use it.... But if it is too bad, it might be better to just disable it until it is ready rather than hack people off.

People have much less trouble over the lack of a feature than the presence of a bug.

my 2 cents.


Or if some people sue it bugs and all, maybe put a note on it... Basically manage the users expectations. People hate unknowns.
They were fixed a while ago. I've been getting about 10 searches for things I watch several times a day. But I also search eBay US items.

I havent received any searches in the past 2 days but that may be due to the new servers we put in place that are running just searches now. We started things up after 6 or 7pm on Friday. Something musta not been quite right, they should be going again on Monday once the programmers come back

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