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thinbuddha posted: ebay is too restrictive as it is. Unless they are selling endangered animal skins or something of that nature, I'm not so sure you should report anything.

For the most part I just ignore any offensive or strange listings I come across...however, I did report one auction a few years ago.

I was bored one day and just looking under the 'weird items' category (or whatever it is called) and there was an auction for "little girl's used panties" - that just crossed too many lines for me. What made it really appalling was the number of bids that had already been placed on it. Confused Thankfully, eBay yanked it pretty quickly. I'm not sure how responsive they are these days.


"If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning"
Yeah- I think anything that caters to that particular crowd should be pulled.

I was more thinking along the lines of some Playboy magazines that I tried to sell a couple years back that they pulled without any explanation (several other playboys are constantly being sold on ebay in the same category ("Playboy magazines") or some such thing, so I never really did figure out what the problem was. No pictures with nudity were shown- just the covers (or nothing if the cover displayed nudity) yet they pulled the auctions anyway.

THATS what I mean by saying they are too quick to pull auctions.
I'm often surprised at what gets pulled and what let through. I once imagined that eBay kept an eye on it for themselves but the erratic nature of their attentions indicates that perhaps they ONLY respond if there's a complaint. I'm not easily offended (except perhaps for items like that mentioned above), believing in "each to his/her own". I have been surprised sometimes at some of the items I have seen, but like Warriornun, I just pass on. There's plenty to interest me.

I deeply distrust those who would set themselves up as moral guardians for the rest of us, however.

I tried to report something to ebay once that looked to me like copyright infringement. Someone had made gift tags using celebrity images. It was pretty obvious they were handmade. Ebay's reply to me said they only pull the auctions if someone affiliated with the celebrity tells them to. These particular tags were of country singers Faith Hill, George Strait and some others. Basically someone connected to Faith Hill would have to contact Ebay and tell them to pull it. It looks to me like it's a free for all when selling and if you don't get caught ebay won't pull it.

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