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There was an item that I won that had a starting bid of $0.01 ($.05 increment bid). I made a proxy bid max of $0.32. At the time when I made the bid, the current price was $0.06 and the minimum bid was $0.11. My final winning price was $0.15. Now when I went to look at the bid history, the 2nd highest bidder made a proxy bid max of $0.10. So my question is why is my final winning bid $0.15 and not $0.11? If I had made the minimum bid of $0.11, then I would have won it at that price. But because I made a proxy bid of $0.32, I somehow was penalized for it, and my winning bid was one increment bid above the 2nd highest bidder. I know this is only 4 pennies difference, which is no big deal. But it will be a big deal when more money is involved ($0.01 vs. $5.00 difference)
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You were not penalized for it. That is the way eBay is supposed to work. You win by one increment above the 2nd highest bidder. Since the 2nd highest bid was .10 cents, you won by increment above, which was .15 cents.

While the auction is still in progress, you have no way of knowing the amount of the high bid. All you see is the amount needed to keep that bidder on top. So while the auction was underway, all you saw was .06 cents, and you were told that you needed to enter at least .11 cents to be in the running. Had you actually entered that amount, you would not have won, because the bid increment was not enough to beat the TRUE max bid, which would have ben revealed once you passed it.
If the next highest max bid was 0.10 and the current price 0.06, YES you could have won for 11 cents had that been your true max. You bid 32 and paid a full increment above the next to highest bidder.

This is a function of eBay, not AS. That's just the way it works. eBay will always ATTEMPT to make the price a full increment above the next to highest bidder. Here the increments are only 5 cents. Once the bidding reaches $1000 the increments are $25.

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