take PayPal.
I look for auctions that will allow me to pay for things through PayPal, but here lately, I have come across a LOT of auctions that will only sell to people who have a confirmed address. The only way you can become confirmed is by registering a credit card. I don't have one and I don't want one. Why don't sellers take unconfirmed addresses? I'm verified through PayPal just not confirmed.
I've read descriptions that state they will take PayPal and then when I get the invoice - I also get the message that the seller will only accept funds from a confirmed address. And what really makes this funny, is that in the seller's description or payment options they will say that they won't accept CC or debit card payments. I don't get it.
I came across a seller today that IF she would have taken PayPal with an unconfirmed address she could have made $200+ off of me easily. I emailed her to ask about it and she said she wouldn't change it. Oh well, Her loss was another lady's gain!
Six inches Lord, that's all I need!
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