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I've just set up three snipes for 3 auctions which close in a little over 2 days. The current bid prices for all of them are rather lowish, like under $5. I've set all three snipes for large amounts - as I know the value of what i'm going to snipe.
My question is, for example, when the auction is near closing, and if the current winning bid is still, say, $2 and my snipe is set for $50, would I win the auction for $50 or just the next bid increment ($2.25) within the auction?

Yahoo auctions allow a user to either bid an exact amount there and then, or put in a proxy bid. That's what I'm wondering about AS's bidding.

If that makes no sense whatsoever do let me know and I'll try to re-phrase Smile

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I am far from an expert here but I've seen a response to this sort of question before and have experienced it myself.

AS puts in your bid and it works just as any other eBay proxy bid will increment it only over the highest bid cast.

So, for example, if the widget your bidding on is at $2 and you've put in a $50 snipe...and the bidding never goes higher than $2, then you would get it for $2.25 (or whatever the increment amount was). If that original bidder had a proxy bid in of say, $25, then you would get it for $25.25. but it could also reach your limit if a bidding war works its way up that high. Now if it goes beyond that $50, then of course you won't get it.

HOWEVER, keep in mind that if the original bidder's proxy (or any bid placed before yours) was also for $50...they would win it as their bid was cast before yours. Highest bid always wins...unless there's a tie, then it goes to the earlier bidder. (A risk I'm willing to take after placing my snipe for my highest possible dollar)

Good luck!


"If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning"

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