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Cool If all you want to do is to "watch" and not bid, do not import! Just continue to "watch" on ebay.

The only reason to "import to AS" is when you want to bid on it. As soon as you "import to AS" you are bidding on it. So... If you do not want to bid, just click on the "cancel" for each item on AS.
Than continue to watch via ebay.

A good thing to do is to add the "snipe it now" to your computer. That way if you are watching some thing on ebay and then want to import and bid, you can use the snipe it now feature.

At least that is what I have found. Smile
lemme add a micro trick

Let's say.. I see an item I want to watch and I doubt I want to snipe but I might change my mind. If it is early in the auction with a low opening bid, I'll do a "snipe it now" for a dollar. (or min bid)

I know I'll never win but it will move it to the "my snipes" page. Yeah, I get email telling me I'm a loser-- But I'm used to them.

But it does keep all the things you want to watch in one place.

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