Originally posted by john snipes:
But I can fill in 1 or 2 seconds as lead time (?).
Fill away – it won’t stay.
Originally posted by john snipes:
And if you set a higher lead time (say 8 seconds) will there be a chance that you get sniped by another sniper (who has a lower lead time then you)?.
The lead time is ONLY important as it pertains to how long it would take a typical “manual” sniper to see your snipe and RESPOND to it. How long would it take you? If the sniper is using a sniping service, or sniping software on their own computer, then they are going to snipe whether your snipe goes in 1 second before the auction ends, or 1 hour. The only other situation where lead-time is important is when there are two snipes of equal amounts and then the earlier snipe takes priority.
Originally posted by Chatter:
AS is damned if they do, damned if they don't.
It’s much better to be damned for doing. Those damned for NOT doing lack courage, and are indecisive boobs.