The following table has been reorganized and sorted into date order. First
bid placed is line #1. That should make it easier to follow the auction.
Two additional columns have been added. They are the current bid and high
bidder, as displayed on eBay after each bid is placed. v2.0.4
* = Winning bid. (may be less than actual maximum entered.)
Max Current Winning
# BIDDER Bid Day & Time Bid & Bidder
(US $)
1 ricjac2 5.00 21-Jan 20:36:07 5.00 ricjac2
2 white_viper7 11.00 22-Jan 18:03:18 5.50 white_viper7
3 pumpkinfield *11.50 22-Jan 18:06:18 11.50 pumpkinfield
Bid increments for 5 - 24.99 is $0.50
1. ricjac places a $5 bid on an auction with a $5 opening bid.
2. white viper places a max bid of $11. eBay only uses as much of that $11 as is necessary to stay in the lead. One bid increment above the previous $5 brings the current price to $5.50.
3. Your bid for 11.50 (or more) exceeded white vipers max so you won. One bid increment above his max of $11 is $11.50.