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Now that I voted, I will also reply. I have stated many times that the numbers or titles mean nada! But, I do not think it is anyone's business but mine how many times I snipe or how many times I win and I do not think I would come in here to let it be public knowledge. What is the purpose other than someone else knowing your personal business??

Originally posted by Teracus:
Would you like to have a Sniper rating based on number of sniper successes?
The forum is maintained by a different company named infopop. AS has no control over the forum's data base, other then Sara can delete or edit objectionable posts. AS can't control the figure, even if they wanted to.
To prove how little control AS has over infopop, back in May infopop switched this forum's data base to another server. It goofed up all kinds of things. One was that Sara lost her post count and registration date. She had a pot full of posts, and not even she, as the monitor, could do anything about it.
Also, if you were to contact AS support and mention something about this forum, they would tell you they know nothing about it, and that it's only here for the forum members.
This is the link for infopop:
This is the link for their forum:
Hope this helps.

I thought someone from AS staff looked at this. I was not referring to the forum rating but rather a count like e-bay. but since everything is completely seporate I suppose it really makes no sense then since when you log in to AS you would be the only person able to see your rating. So I guess this is just for fun then.
The forum is maintained by a different company named infopop. ... AS can't control the figure, even if they wanted to.
That's about it.
A person with a lot of posts here has been around here enough to know a lot about sniping and probably is deserving of their titles.
Another point - even if somehow this magic could be performed, you'd probably have to give infopop your AS ID and password (same as ebay's). Right now, the forum's ID and password don't have to match.
Another point - even if somehow this magic could be performed, you'd probably have to give infopop your AS ID and password (same as ebay's). Right now, the forum's ID and password don't have to match.
If you'd like you could enter the # of your snipes and wins, wins % in your signature. Your signature is a small amount of text that is automatically added to every post you make. Then you could just update it every month or so manually.
So to do that click the "My Pop" link near the top of the page and add it to your signature.
For the people that want to do it maybe you could come up with some relevant things you'd want to include and a standard format could be made so that everyones looks the same.
So to do that click the "My Pop" link near the top of the page and add it to your signature.
For the people that want to do it maybe you could come up with some relevant things you'd want to include and a standard format could be made so that everyones looks the same.
I don't think the number of successful snipes means anything in isolation. It all depends on how often you snipe, how many items you are interested in and how high you are willing to snipe. The idea of a snipe is to win the item but not at any price. While I win most of my snipes, I have been outbid on proxy and would still consider these bids successful snipes as I did not overpay
Someone with a low snipe count might have a much better understanding on sniping effectively than someone with a big wallet

Someone with a low snipe count might have a much better understanding on sniping effectively than someone with a big wallet

So it looks like we will have to post a table of percentages. He he he... The signature suggestion is good and it would allow for voluntary participation however it would only be as accurate as the person entering the signature wants it to be.
I'd like to see the sniper rating based on size. I mean, weighing in at over 400lbs, I'd have to be at least a "mega gargantuan" sniper.
"Swift, silent, and casting one hell of a shadow before being deadly"
"Swift, silent, and casting one hell of a shadow before being deadly"
But of course that would be only if they wanted to in that case it would be <-N-> for ninja sniper.
ROFL!! I like your idea Magic!!!

Hey look my sniper rating is sniper frog
Sniper rating <-FG->

Thats the biggest signature I have seen Teracious!! LOL
Are you sure you dont have a heap of *enters* after the image??
Are you sure you dont have a heap of *enters* after the image??

OK how about this
Dummm da da daaaa
Sniper rating <-FG->
Dummm da da daaaa

Sniper rating <-FG->
Very Cute 


Lexie, you gotta stop hitting rick on the head! 

All Stopped 


Did anyone else notice that out of 240 visits to the Poll only 13 votes have been counted. I guess nobody likes to vote anymore
But looks like Mrs M knew what way the outcome was headed.
Sniper rating <-FG->

Sniper rating <-FG->
Teracus - you have to take into account that several of us who voted probably came back a few times to *view* this thread which would bump up the visits but not the voting tally 


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