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I am ever amazed at the incredible graphics, pictures, illustrations, and animations folks on this forum can come up with!

So how about a pic. challenge?! Wink I would like to find a silhouette of a US Civil War soldier (reb or yankee -- silhouette would probably look the same anyway!). While I'm thinking a silhouette picture is what I need, a simple drawing might work, too. In case you're wondering what I'm thinking -- I'm looking for some design that would be suitable to screen print on a T-shirt.

Any and all suggestions are welcome! Wink

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I knew Rick could come up with some appropriate pics! Rick, I added that Google Image Search to my Fav. links. You posted some interesting line drawings that may work better than what I had in mind. Thanks!

Mrs.M, never was at Anderson, GA. Was at a few Gettysburg, PA reenactments! I helped out on the special effects crew. We were the only guys NOT shooting blanks! Wink One of the guys on the crew said he thinks most reenactors fall into 3 general groups: 1) Those that want to have fun! 2) Those that want to be historically accurate. and 3) Those that want to use LIVE AMMUNITION!! Eek Big Grin

Thanks for your input!

The last Civil War veteran died in 1959. After Ft. Pillow, Grant stopped the exchange of prisoners. Andersonville was the result.

I'm dead (pardon pun) certain of the 1st sentence, but it's late and the rest should be researched before acceptance.

Andersonville, I think, was the 5th largest "city" in the South.
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No, I don't have a muzzleloader. What we did was to answer the canons with explosions in the field and in the air. The canon guys were of course firing powder charges with no projectiles -- we'd trigger a charge so it would LOOK like they actually fired something. We weren't able to answer ALL the canon firings, just some of them. Interesting gig, though!


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