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I'm getting this:

"Out of free snipes
You have run out of free snipes. Please activate your account, or add a balance to it in order to keep sniping. "

...when I try to add a new snipe. I have a valid card on file and don't understand why I am seeing this. Googling it shows someone back in 2003 reported the error and fixed it by signing out and back in the site. I tried that, and got the same message trying to add another snipe.

What gives?
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Strangely enough I went to the Payment tab in my profile on here and it was not showing any credit card on file.

Did AS have a server hiccup or something where the system forgot we had a CC for billing in our profile?

I readded the same card and now it shows as "changes saved" and displays the delimited card # where no card was showing.
Hi Shacuzza,

Thanks for contributing to our forum. The error that you received occurred as a result of a process we have been running in relation to an update of our billing system, but I am pleased to report that our engineering team has just released a change to resolve the problem earlier today.

As a result of this change, you should have been to successfully add snipes to your account once again shortly after you made your last post to this thread, even if you had not re-entered your credit card information under the “Payment” tab within your account.

Although no credit card information appeared under the “Payment” tab within your account initially, the credit card information that you had previously placed on file would have shown up there once again automatically when this process is completed later tonight.

We apologize for any inconveniences this issue may have caused. If you encounter any further difficulties with your account, please feel free to contact our customer support team by mousing over the “Help” tab and selecting the “Contact Support” option.


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