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This is just what I do. I normally set my snipes at 8 seconds. Between 5 amd 8:30 PST, PM, on Sunday I add 15 seconds and on the hour, half and quarter, I do the same. Most importantly, remember to bid your snipe at the max you are willing to pay. Then, if you loose, you can sit back and know someone paid too much. In my experience, there is always another one coming up for auction soon! Good luck!! Smile

That is your choice, of course. I have something set to close in 15h 44m 22s and have it set at 23 seconds. You'll probably be ok. Nothing is certain, of course, but I have so far, been sucessful. Nice thing is, you can make changes up to the three minute mark! I am sure, as the day progresses, others will also answer you! Smile

Last edited {1}
Let me explain and you'll see why. A seller can do auto starts of his auction, however, Ebay only lists them on the hour, half or quarter. It makes a jamup very often as you can imagine. The way I do it is during Sunday primetime I jump to 23 seconds...during the week, I add 10 seconds. Again, this is just what I do. There are a lot of people on here that might sucessfully do different.

Orignally Posted by 6flb:
Are these references to GMT? Or USA time? Is my Sunday evening in Scotland the same as your Sunday evenings? (It is a sunny Sunday evening in Scotland, but I'm still confused!)

I am in Australia, and we dont have the Sunday problem that the US has... region2 who is in the UK says they dont have the same problem there. I use 5 seconds no matter what time and what day and have never had a *not in time* problem.


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