The following table has been reorganized and sorted into date order. First
bid placed is line #1. That should make it easier to follow the auction.
Two additional columns have been claculated and added. They are the current
bid and high bidder, as displayed on eBay after each bid is placed. v2.1.03
* = Winning bid.
Max Current Winning
# BIDDER Bid Day & Time Bid & Bidder
(US $)
1 bill-nel 5.00 09-Feb 21:39:16 1.00 bill-nel
2 paxton408 18.51 09-Feb 22:47:34 5.50 paxton408
3 a_sparkleple 7.00 10-Feb 20:45:36 7.50 paxton408
4 bill-nel 11.00 13-Feb 05:16:59 11.50 paxton408
5 oak_hammocks 27.00 15-Feb 06:28:35 19.01 oak_hammocks
6 oak_hammocks 30.00 15-Feb 18:03:16 19.01 oak_hammocks
7 maggiem257 20.00 16-Feb 15:59:18 20.50 oak_hammocks
8 carol8599 25.01 16-Feb 17:56:20 26.01 oak_hammocks
9 majipoor-hal 28.62 16-Feb 17:56:43 29.62 oak_hammocks
10 thegerm63 *30.62 16-Feb 17:57:00 30.62 thegerm63

Seems you were never in the lead. Oak in line 6 had a bid higher than yours.
thegerm then swooped in and sniped it from him.